3 pairs of ladies' socks: done
assorted mini socks for the Christmas tree: done
1 silk lace scarf: almost done
And not a moment to spare! Christmas starts tomorrow with my family, while Hubbo's family starts showing up Christmas Eve.
It should be noted that my fabulous Smooshy, Lorna's Laces, and Alpaca Sox yarn showed up two weeks ago and I've managed to ignore it...except for the occasional fond glance and gentle squeeze. Once this lace scarf is complete....look out!
Picking up my yarn parcel at the post office is a story in itself! I received a notice in the mail and knew my yarn was finally here! I had to wait an entire work day, but finally went to pick up my package. When I ordered this yarn, it didn't occur to me that the busiest post office week in history would soon be upon us.
I arrive at the postal outlet and there before me is a line of people a mile long, all looking decidedly unhappy. The poor girl working behind the counter looks tired and frazzled and she's practically standing on today's delivery of packages.
No problem, I think. A little quality "me" time...I'll just admire their fine assortment of cleaning products and fragranced bathroom sprays (it is a drug store, after all) and besides, there's YARN at the end of this line! After about 45 minutes, it's my turn and I hand the poor frazzled girl my postal notice. "Do you know how big this parcel is?" she asks.
Hmmmm...well, let's see, 6 or 8 skeins of yarn....ummmm..."No." is my reply. Of course, I'm Canadian so I add an apology in there somewhere.
The poor frazzled girl now has a young man helping her fetch parcels and she sends him off with my notice. Again, being Canadian and pathologically polite, I move to the side so others can continue with their pressing postal matters.
The now frazzled guy has been digging for my package for about 15 minutes...which is a long time when you're waiting for yarn and have a lot of grouchy people staring at the back of your head. I'm trying to read package labels which are upside down and fuzzy b/c I don't have my glasses...meaning, I'm no help. I know this poor frazzled guy wants me to say "Don't worry about it. I'll come back after Christmas when you're not so busy." However, there...is...YARN...involved! I'm not going anywhere! But I'm polite. "It's probably a really light package" I say helpfully.
At this point I run into my neighbour and we make polite small talk while they search for his package. His is located quickly and he looks at me, squeezes my arm and solemnly wishes me "Good luck" and walks away into the chilly evening.
I'm starting to get a bit worried at this point. The line behind me is getting longer and more restless and now both frazzled people behind the counter are looking for my yarn. Maybe it didn't make it to the postal outlet? Maybe the mail carrier noticed the shipping address and took it because they are a knitter too! Maybe it fell out of the truck and got run over and dirty! OMG!!!!!
"Found it!" says the frazzled girl! Yeah! All crazy thoughts leave my head as joy floods my psyche. I cuddle my package and shuffle out into the cold evening and head for home.
I love new yarn.