I hadn't realized that I haven't posted in so long! This post if for all the people pestering me! You know who your are.
Here are a few photos from Knitting Night:
First and foremost, Ms. KW learned to knit socks! For someone who wouldn't even finish a leg warmer, this is a huge step! She even has a STASH! Pretty good for someone who said they'd never knit again. Now if we can only get her short row heels in order!

Second, I'm sorry to say that poor Ms. VI had to be enrolled in remedial knitting. :( There were a couple of "incidents" that had the rest of us thinking that tape and glitter glue were more her speed. However, she surprised me by agreeing to knit a mitten. I'm a firm believer in having beginners knit mittens. It's a small project so it moves along quickly...and you learn almost everything you'll ever need to know! There's increases, decreases, stitches to pick up, knitting, purling and working in the round.
Well, Ms. VI dug in and worked away! Here she is knitting in the round for the first time and she even looks like she knows what she's doing! Next week we're gonna make her drop a stitch...ON PURPOSE! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

Ms. DC has been working away on mitts. To my great pleasure, she has thrown out the acrylic crap and gone back to using wool. Thank god! Here she's working on a pair of mittens for a Calgary Flames fan. How nice is that? Perhaps we'll get a photo of the finished project because they're pretty cool!

Ms. DP has been working away on a beautiful sweater in some kind of delightful yarn. I'm sorry I don't remember the name, but I think it's the yarn made from recycled Indian saris. So pretty! She's been alternating between this sweater and a lovely pair of socks made out of Kroy Stretch. I'm looking forward to the finished products!

And finally, there's me. Someone took my picture while I was knitting my lovely alpaca lace scarf...and because I'm vain, I'll include two photos!

I'm over coming my fear of lace knitting by forcing myself to just do it. So far I've chosen simple patterns with a maximum four row repeat. Anything more and my brain starts to melt! Anyway, this yarn is Alpaca Sox. I love it. It's soft and fuzzy and a beautiful colour!
Finally, we have two new additons to our little group of knitters. They're not particularly accomplished, but they're always entertaining!